viernes, 16 de marzo de 2018

Studying abroad, fun insured!

Resultado de imagen de abroad

Resultado de imagen de duration

Your study period abroad can last from a minimum of 3 months (or 1 academic term or trimester) to a maximum of 12 months.

You can benefit of an exchange abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee, but your total time abroad (study abroad periods included) may not exceed 12 months within one cycle of study.

Cycle" refers to the level of study as defined by the European Qualifications Framework (EQF):

First cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) EQF – 5/6
Second cycle (Master or equivalent) EQF 7
Third cycle (Doctoral or equivalent) EQF 8

For "one-cycle" courses such as medicine or architecture, you can go abroad with Erasmus+ for as long as 24 months.

Resultado de imagen de CONDITIONS

To study abroad with Erasmus+, you must be registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognised degree or tertiary-level qualification. For students in the first cycle, you need to be at least in the second year of your studies.

Your period of study abroad must be relevant for your degree-related learning and personal development needs, and be part of the study programme that you are following.

Your home institution and the receiving institution must have an inter-institutional agreement between them for you to study there with Erasmus+.

Both institutions must also hold the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (if they are in Programme countries). Institutions from Partner countries commit to the principles of the Charter when signing the inter-institutional agreements.

Resultado de imagen de ACADEMIC RECOGNITION

Before the study abroad period:
You, your sending and receiving higher education institutions must sign a Learning Agreement for Studies to ensure a transparent and efficient preparation of the exchange abroad, as well as to agree on how activities successfully completed abroad will be recognised. This document sets out rights and responsibilities of the various parties
You will receive the Erasmus+ Student Charter, explaining your rights and obligations with respect to your period of study abroad

After the study abroad period:

The receiving higher education institution must provide you and your sending institution with a transcript of records confirming that the agreed programme has been completed and acknowledge the results

Your higher education institution must recognise the credits (using ECTS credits or an equivalent system) as agreed in the Learning Agreement before the mobility and count them towards your degree, without any further requirements

If your higher education institution is in a Programme country, your mobility period should also be recorded in the Diploma Supplement

Read more on the Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for Studies

Resultado de imagen de financial support

You may receive an Erasmus+ grant as a contribution to your travel and subsistence costs. It may vary according to differences in living costs between your country and the destination country, the number of students applying for a grant, the distance between countries and the availability of other grants.

If you are moving between Programme countries, check with your National Agency and your sending higher education institution for applicable rates. There is also extra support for students going on a traineeship, students from disadvantaged backgrounds or from outermost Programme countries or regions.

Grant levels and fixed rates for exchanges between Programme and Partner countries are published in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.

Irrespective whether you receive an Erasmus+ grant or are an Erasmus+-zero-grant student, you will sign a grant agreement specifying the duration of your mobility, the amount of the grant and other rights and obligations.

If you are mobile within Programme countries, your sending institution will sign your grant agreement and it will be responsible for making all payments.

If you are moving between Programme and Partner countries, the Programme country institution will sign the grant agreement. Your sending and receiving institutions will decide which one will make your payments.

As an Erasmus+ student, you will be exempted from fees for tuition, registration, examinations, and charges for access to laboratories or libraries at the receiving institution. Small fees for insurance or student union membership may still apply.

You may be eligible for additional grants from your institution, government or other sources. Check the European Funding Guide or the Study Portals.

You may also be eligible to apply for a scholarship for a Joint Master programme, or an EU-guaranteed Master Loan for a Master's degree of up to two years.

miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2018

¿Qué programas de movilidad ERASMUS + existen actualmente?

El 1 de enero de 2014 entró en vigor Erasmus+, que aglutina los siete programas europeos de educación, formación y juventud ya existentes, incluirá por primera vez ayudas al deporte. Al ser un programa integrado, Erasmus+ ofrece más oportunidades de cooperación entre los sectores de la educación, la formación, la juventud y el deporte.

Under Regulation (EU) No. 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council of 11 December 2013 creating the "Erasmus +" program for education, training, youth and sport of the Union. Published in the Official Journal of the European Union on December 20, 2013 External link, opens in a new window.

Erasmus+, entre 2014 y 2020, ofrece a más de cuatro millones de europeos oportunidades de estudiar, formarse, adquirir experiencia laboral y realizar actividades de voluntariado en el extranjero. Asimismo, financia asociaciones transnacionales entre instituciones y organizaciones educativas, de formación y juveniles, destinadas a fomentar la cooperación y tender puentes entre el mundo de la educación y el del trabajo para superar las carencias de cualificaciones a las que se enfrenta Europa.

Resultado de imagen de movilidad erasmus +
It also supports national efforts to modernize education, training and youth systems. In the field of sport, support is given to grassroots projects and to the solution of cross-border problems such as match-fixing, doping or violence and racism.

En educación abarca todos los niveles: escolar, formación profesional, enseñanza superior y formación de personas adultas.


Para cumplir sus objetivos, el programa Erasmus+ ejecuta las acciones siguientes:

Convocatoria anual ERASMUS +:
Textos de la Convocatoria y Guía Erasmus+ 2015 Enlace externo, se abre en ventana nueva
Instrucciones comunes a todos los sectores

martes, 13 de marzo de 2018

Intercambios juveniles

Youth exchanges allow groups of young people from different countries to meet, live together and work on shared projects for short periods.

Youth exchanges take place outside the school environment. On a youth exchange, you can expect to participate in activities such as workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, outdoor activities and more.

Participants' learning experiences are recognised through a Youthpass.

Introducción al Erasmus+, patrocinado por la Unión Europea

Erasmus+ en el ámbito de la Educación y la Formación ofrece oportunidades en todos los sectores educativos: Educación Superior, Formación Profesional, Educación Escolar y Educación de Personas Adultas, con el objetivo de:
  • Mejorar el nivel de aptitudes y competencias básicas, teniendo especialmente en cuenta su pertinencia en el mercado de trabajo y su contribución a la cohesión de la sociedad, aumentando las oportunidades de movilidad por motivos de aprendizaje y reforzando la cooperación entre el mundo de la educación y la formación y el mundo laboral.
  • Impulsar las mejoras en la calidad, la excelencia en la innovación y la internacionalización en las instituciones de educación y formación, en particular potenciando la cooperación transnacional.
  • Mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las lenguas y promover la amplia diversidad lingüística de la Unión Europea y la sensibilización intercultural.
  • Promover la aparición y la concienciación de un espacio europeo de aprendizaje permanente, diseñado para apoyar las reformas de las políticas nacionales y la modernización de los sistemas educativos y de formación, en particular impulsando la cooperación política y un mejor uso de las herramientas de transparencia y reconocimiento de la UE y la difusión de las buenas prácticas.
  • Potenciar la dimensión internacional de la educación y la formación, en particular mediante la cooperación entre el programa y las instituciones de los países asociados en el ámbito de la Formación Profesional y la Educación Superior, aumentando el atractivo de las instituciones europeas de Educación Superior y apoyando la acción exterior de la Unión Europea, incluidos sus objetivos de desarrollo, mediante la promoción de la movilidad y la cooperación entre el programa y las instituciones de Educación Superior de los países asociados y el desarrollo de las capacidades previstas en los países asociados.